Jane Carter Investigates: Episode Ten


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Episode Ten

While I ran for a cloth to wipe up the spot on the floor boards, Emma plunged the shirt into a pan of cold water under the spigot at the sink.

“Only part of the stain is coming out!” she wailed. “What shall I do?”

“Let it soak for a while,” Florence suggested.

“Perhaps Mrs. Conrad has some stain remover fluid in the house,” I said.

I searched through the cupboards and the shelves by the cellarway but could find nothing which would serve the purpose. Emma continued to scrub at the shirt.

“Well, it’s not coming out,” Emma said. “I may as well start packing my things.”

“Mrs. Conrad might not say anything about it,” Florence ventured.

“She’ll say plenty,” Emma replied grimly. “Oh, why must I be so awkward? It seems luck is just against me.”

“I have an idea!” I said. “There’s a laundry next door. We’ll take the shirt over there and see if they can remove the stain!”

“You’ll never get it back in time,” Emma protested.

“Maybe we will,” I insisted. “Anyway, there’s nothing to lose by trying. You keep on with that stupid ironing, Emma, while Florence and I see what we can do. If Mrs. Conrad returns ahead of us, we’ll try to smuggle the shirt into the basket without her seeing it.”

I wrapped the stained garment in an old newspaper, and Flo and I went next door. The laundry—which proclaimed itself to be the establishment of one Sing Lee— looked fairly new. It was a two-story building which stood so close to Old Mansion that the walls touched.

We entered the laundry and were immediately greeted by a young blond woman who would have looked more at home in a cabaret. She wore a long string of pearls over her silk dress. Her bright-red hair was bobbed, and she’d rimmed her eyes in kohl. I couldn’t imagine her doing any washing or ironing.

“What can I do for you?” she asked.

“Bluing was spilled on this garment,” I said, unwrapping the shirt. “Can you remove the stain?”

The girl looked at the shirt.

“Ralph?” She yelled toward the back room.

“What do ya want now, Violet?” Ralph grumbled as he emerged.

Ralph looked even less like he belonged in a laundry than Violet. He was a large, well-built man, dressed in a blue pinstriped suit. I had never before seen a man keep his hat on indoors.

If I’d been forced to guess Ralph’s profession based purely on appearance, I’d have gone for a bouncer at a better class of speakeasy. I wondered how the apparently absent Mr. Lee had come to entrust his establishment to the care of these two.

“It’s a very bad stain,” Ralph said, turning the garment over in his hands, but barely looking at it. He seemed far more interested in examining Flo and me.

Flo was drinking him in, her mouth gapping open. I gave her what I hoped was a surreptitious jab to the ribcage. Flo can be a bit man-crazy, and even I had to admit that Ralph was quite a fine specimen of manhood.

“Can you get the stain out?” I asked.

“I can get it out,” said Ralph. “Can you come back for it tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow! We need it done right away. Say in fifteen minutes.”

Ralph shook his head and thrust the shirt back into my hands.

“You wouldn’t need to iron it,” I urged. “Just remove the stain for us. That shouldn’t take long.”

“Fifty cents, cash up front,” Ralph said.

I was pretty sure that was many times the going rate for laundering shirts, but I handed him the money, trying not to think how many gallons of gas I could put in Bouncing Betsy for that princely sum.

Flo and I sat down on a hard, wooden bench to wait.

“He’s a Sheik,” Flo whispered as Ralph vanished into the rear room and closed the door behind him. I heard a key turn in the lock after he entered the room, then, behind the locked door, I heard him carrying on an indistinct conversation with some other person who spoke so low I could not even tell if it was a man or a woman.

The girl, Violet—and ostensibly, Ralph’s Sheba—remained at the counter, examining her manicure and keeping watch on us out of the corner of her eye. Ralph returned shortly and announced to the girl that he was going out. He didn’t say where. Violet just nodded and went back to examining her manicure.

“I hope whoever they’ve got back there does a good job on that shirt,” Flo whispered.

I tilted my head backwards to look at the ceiling.

“Did you notice what you’re sitting under, Flo?”

Florence glanced up, and with a little cry of alarm, sprang to her feet. A heavy silver sword with an intricately molded handle and a wicked looking blade had been suspended over her head.

“Oh, it won’t bite you,” I said. ‘It looks quite secure.”

“I might be decapitated if it should fall from its support! You don’t catch me sitting under that thing!” 

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