Jane Carter Investigates: Episode Sixteen


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Episode Sixteen

Thom Vhorst glanced about to make certain no one was within distance of his voice before speaking.

“Glen won’t like it, me telling you this, but I’ll do it anyhow. Folks say a man disappeared in that house!”

“From room seven?” Florence asked.


“How long ago was that?” I inquired.

“Not so long ago,” Thom answered, glancing uneasily toward the door. “I oughtn’t to have told you this. There’s no proof, and Glen denies it’s true. Accuses me of trying to ruin his tourist business.”

“Who was the man?” I asked.

“Couldn’t tell you. Just a tourist who stopped there for a night.”

“How do you know he vanished?”

“I reckon I have eyes,” Thom answered. “For two days, a brown touring car stood out in front of Old Mansion, and then it disappeared. Never did see hide nor hair of the fellow who drove it there. When I’d ask Glen about it, he’d shut up tighter than a clam!”

“Haven’t the police investigated?”

Thom shrugged.

“No one’s complained as far as I know. Anyway, there’s no proof.”

“What do you think became of the man?”

“How should I know? Glen is an ugly one to mix with, and I figure on tendin’ my own business. Don’t let on I told you all this.”

Mr. Vhorst seemed so anxious that I gave up the questioning. I was uncertain that the story was true. While I did not doubt Mr. Vhorst’s sincerity, he might have been mistaken. It was a serious matter to make accusations against the Conrads without definite proof that a man had disappeared from their hotel.

I voiced this opinion to Flo after we had climbed aboard Bouncing Betsy.

“Yes, Thom dislikes Glen Conrad so heartily that his eyesight may have been sharpened,” Florence agreed. “He may have imagined the whole thing.”

“There is one reason why I’m inclined to believe that the story is true,” I said.

“And what is that?”

“The Conrads acted so defensively about room seven.”

“Perhaps that is only because the townspeople have been gossiping.”

“Possibly. But Glen mentioned possible danger several times. He seems afraid to have Emma in the house for fear she will discover something. Last night, after you were asleep, I heard him talking with his wife again.”

“What did he say?”

“Oh, nothing we didn’t know. Simply that he’s opposed to having Emma in at Old Mansion.”

“I wish she wasn’t staying.”

“So do I, but she’s determined.”

I suddenly slammed on the brakes and scared Florence

“Now what?” Flo demanded.

“I’ve just had a splendid idea! We’ll pass Mud Cat Joe’s place on our way home. Why not buy a basket of food and some clothing for the children? We could drop it off without taking much time.”

“It would be appreciated, I’m sure.”

White Falls had only one general store. We bought a large basket of food, added a sack of candy for the children, stockings, overalls, and several items of underwear.

“I don’t dare spend any more,” I said. “We might have car trouble on the way home, and I’d be flat broke.”

When the proprietor carried the basket to the automobile, I tried to draw him into conversation. I mentioned that a friend of mine had taken work at Old Mansion. The storekeeper started slightly at the mention of Old Mansion but offered no comment. He deposited the groceries and returned to his waiting customers.

Before I could remark upon his manner, Florence nudged my elbow.

“Look over there!” she whispered.

Not far away stood Ralph, as impeccably dressed as he had been the previous day and leaning indolently against a building. He had been watching us. Upon seeing that he, too, was under observation, he tipped his hat and walked away.

“We do seem to be curiosities,” Flo said. “They must not get many strangers around these parts.”

I climbed into Bouncing Betsy and applied my foot to the starter.

“If you ask me,” I said, “everyone in this town is a bit odd! I’m glad to be leaving it.”

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